About the Webmistress....
Gory facts about Me!

Yes! You finally get to know about me! The webmistress! The brains of this outfit..... well.... let's not go that far.

Hmm. Let's get down to business, shall we?
Name: Erin Foley
Nicknames: Erin, Erin-baka, Rin-sama, doormatchan
Age: 16.5 XD;;
Height: 5'8"
Weight: . . . This isn't my driver's license. You don't have to know. :P
favorite food: Do I have to pick just one? o.o;;
least favorite food: Too many to list.
Favorite school subject: Band.
Least favorite school subject: Geometry.
Favorite sports: Does Marching Band count? No, seriously, I love volleyball and softball.
Least favorite sport: Soccer is evil. --;
Favorite kind of music: Jpop. Really, anything that keeps me happy.
Least favorite kind of music: Rap is crap. Need I say more?
Favorite online comic strip: Megatokyo rules all!! ph34r Largo's l33tn355. ^_^

Umm... Email me at smfanno1@hotmail.com if you want to talk to me and don't have AIM.

I'm known as SSF SailorSenshi on AIM, smfanno1@hotmail.com on MSN and princess_kakyuu23 on Yahoo, although I don't use Yahoo that often. Deal with it. :P

want to know ever-so-much more about me? go to my livejournal : whispered dreams.