Fan Mail
From loving fans like you.

Seiya: ::flips through the incoming mail and makes a face..:: Taiki, it's for you again.

Taiki: ::takes his letter:: Happy happy. ::grins::

Dear Taiki, It's me again, Akaiko.

Taiki: Hi again, Akaiko.

After writing that last letter, and seeing how depressing it was (-.-), I though I should write another letter.

Taiki: Pshaw! I didn't mind your last letter at all. ::smiles:: I hope I was able to help you.

Yaten: Pshaw?

Maybe just to show you my other side that other people see all the time. My more obsessive side.

Seiya: Obsessive...

Yaten: Howcome there are never any casual Three Lights fans? They're all obsessive.

Taiki: Don't tell me you mind people obsessing over you...

Yaten: Oh no... I don't mind at all.

Seiya: I live for it.

I am happy to say that I'm one of your most obsessed fans.

Seiya: Ooh! Let's have a contest! "World's Most Obsessed Lights Fan!"

Yaten: Imagine dealing with all the contestants...

Taiki: Kowai..

For who else... Has collected over 1500 pictures of you,

Yaten: That's a lot of forehead...

Taiki: ::twitches::

Learns Japanese for the sole purpose of translating things you're in,Has over 2 GB of multimedia on her computer that have to do with you, Has been able to find 7, count em 7, different midis of your transformation music,

Taiki: We do have kick ass henshin music..

Seiya: 2 GB?

Yaten: Wow..

Taiki: She's not done..

Spent 5 straight hours looking for the mp3 of "Chikara o Awasete" on the net, After almost deleting said mp3, spends over $100 on your CD,

Taiki: $100?!

Seiya: Aww yeah... I can hear the royalties now..

Yaten: Baka... she probably got it from an online auction if it was that much..

Seiya: Baka eBay..

Buys trading cards of you from Japan where the shipping and handling turns out to be ten times more than the cards themselves,

Seiya: This is why everyone should live in Japan.

Yaten: Not everyone! We're already crowded enough.

Taiki: Still, it stinks that our fans have to pay so much for import taxes and shipping and what not..

Rocket: ::from under the television:: Tell us about it!

Taiki: Us? o_O

Rocket: Er.. Um... I invited some friends over..

Yaten: I thought I heard giggling.. fangirl giggling..

Seiya: ::bends down and peers under the tv:: Where were you guys while I was in the shower?

Fangirls: ::giggles!::

Spent 6 WHOLE MONTHS researching back issues of magazines just to find a picture of Tsunoda Narumi, Makes a commitment to find every bit of information on stuff you're in (sera myu, games, events in Tokyo, things in San Diego...) Spend hours everyday finding new things on this information,

Taiki: Wow..? Is there really that much stuff about me? I'm impressed.

Makes a huge web site with all this information ( shameless plug...,

Rocket: Nothing wrong with a little shameless self promotion..

Yaten: You would know.

Finds over 80 different fan artists that draw pictures of you, Draws many picture of you, most one from dreams and others,

Taiki: Would you listen to that... I've inspired that many artists..

Yaten: People are always drawn to the freakish.

Taiki: ::twitches::

Cuts her hair in the same style as yours, Can name every episode you're in and what was going on, and occasionally you rattle them to anyone or no one in particular, Plays the your songs backwards to see if there are any subliminal messages,

Taiki: Subliminal messages?

Seiya: "My forehead is normal, my forehead is normal."

Taiki: It hasn't worked, has it?

Yaten: Nope.

Taiki: ::twitches!::

Holds a moment of silence for the manga version of you everyday, Ends up defending you to a 4-year-old..., Talks about you so much that all my friends know just about everything there is to know about you, Tries to go through a whole day without saying anything about you and doesn't get through breakfast...,

Taiki: No one should have to go a day without rejoicing in the joy that is Taiki.

Seiya: The joy that is Taiki? Nani...?

Yaten: Yeah. Very similar to the glory that is Yaten.

Taiki: Or the mouth that is Seiya.

Seiya: HEY!!

Taiki & Yaten: ::giggle::

Even knows little things like how many buttons are on your different suits,

Taiki: Wow. ::turns to Seiya and Yaten:: How many of your fans know how many buttons you have?

Seiya: I don't know how many buttons I have.

All this and I have never seen one episode of Sailor Stars, or read the manga, or seen the sera myu...

Taiki: Wow... impressive.

Seiya: Buy Sailor Stars today! It's worth it.

Yaten: And you can find the Stars manga pretty cheap. Only three volumes at $5 or $6 each. ^_^

Taiki: Sera Myu can be expensive though.. maybe someone will fansub it one day.

Yes, it is I. Akaiko! Yes, all of the above IS true. (Can we say, stalker? Kidding!!!)

Taiki: Stalker. Oh yes... we can say stalker... ::sweatdrops::

Yes, I know that is quite a lot, and even though I know where you live, I wont go chasing after you... You'd just be annoyed with me then, or afraid...

Taiki: Afraid? Nah..

Seiya: Yeah. We could probably take you.

Taiki: ::punches Seiya in the shoulder:: Be nice to my fans.

Seiya: ::rubs his shoulder and pouts:: Geez...

Why I'm I so obsessed? That's a good question that I don't think I can really answer... Again, I thinks it's your personality, your smile, sensitivity, fairness of speech... just who you are. No matter what anyone thinks or says, just keeping going on with your ideas.

Taiki: Aww... thanks... ::blushes::

I think you're great and... And I might as well say it... I sort of like you... For who you are on the inside, not on the outside...

Taiki: What's wrong with my outside?

Not to say that you aren't handsome/pretty... I think you look great.

Taiki: Oh... Thanks ::grins::

Anyway, I think I've said too much. Just remember, that there more people than you think out there who are fans of you, and those people go to a lot of trouble just to find information on you (well, at least me...). Also, no matter how strangely obsessive someone may seem on the outside, they are still the same sensitive person on the inside. The obsessiveness is sort of like a mask...

Taiki: I don't find your "obsessiveness" strange. In fact, I'm very flattered. ::smiles:: Thank you for all the support.

Sincerely, Akaiko

Taiki: Thanks for writing, Akaiko!

Go back to the Fan Mail, yay!