Fan Mail
From loving fans like you.

To Seiya-kun, Yaten-kun and gorgeous Taiki-kun,

Seiya: Hey?! Where's my adjective?

Yaten: ::pulls out a magic marker, a piece of posterboard, and scrawls out a big sign that says "Loud":: Here you go. ::hands said sign to Seiya::

Seiya: ::sweatdrops::

Taiki: ::giggles::

Arigato! Thank you so much for reading my first letter and writing back! I simply had to write another one though since I enjoyed the first response so much! (I know, I know, how could I ever contemplate staying away from my dear Taiki-kun? Not even worth thinking about!)

Seiya: Oh.. I think about it. A lot.

Taiki: ::punches Seiya in the shoulder::

Seiya: Would you please quit that!

My friend and I both decided to write on this letter and save some postage.

Taiki: Woo-ha! Double whammy.

Yaten: Woo-ha?

Seiya: Don't ask.. ::shakes his head::

You'll know her as Tru-chan. Actually I wrote it and she edited it, nosy friend. (Tru-chan: I can't leave her alone for a minute!)

Seiya: Tru-chan can't leave her alone, and she can't leave you alone. That is a double whammy.

Yaten: Whammy. That's such a funny word... Whammy.. Whammy..

Taiki: And we were worried about me?

Seiya: We still are.

I had to write and let you know that although I find all of you dreamy (Taiki is still the dreamiest), I do not wish to be lumped into the general crazy drooling fangirl category.

Taiki: The kind that drool are the worst..

Yaten: Speaking of which, it's your turn to hose off the driveway.

Taiki: ::sweatdrops::

I think in my last letter I came across as something of a space-cadet with Taiki on the brain (okay, so I do think about Taiki a lot, but I am NOT a silly spacey teenager!).

Taiki: Oh, I would never think you were. I have the most intelligent fans around. ::smiles smugly:: I'm the thinking woman's sex symbol.

Seiya: Oh, buh-ruther.

(Tru-chan: I know she's thinking about him every time she sighs dramatically. Every, what, 30 seconds or so? At least she's being truthful the teenager bit!)

Taiki: Wow.. Dramatic sigh..

Seiya: Wow's right. It's better than the usual hysterical laughter.

Yaten: Not to mention the dry heaves.

Taiki: ::twitches::

Seiya: Eh.. heh... ::sweatdrops::

Anyway, I just want you to know that there is more to me than that. I will admit to occasionally being crazy (Tru-chan: occasionally?!) and once and in a great while (Tru-chan: once in a while?! gimme a break) drooling and/or lusting after any of ThreeLights (especially Taiki!).

Taiki: But she's not a fangirl...


Taiki: Eeep!

Alright, so you never said I was, but you all were thinking it! I know you! (Tru-chan: I know I was...)

Seiya: She's not a drooling fangirl... She's a telepathic fangirl!

Taiki & Yaten: AAAAH!!

I could hear Yaten muttering about this being the type of fangirl that ThreeLights struggles to avoid from all the way over here! (Tru-chan: Go YATEN! Woo woo! Those Taiki fans are the worst aren't they?!)

Yaten: You said it.

Taiki: Feh.

You know what? (Tru-chan: No what?) I will even admit to being a very big ThreeLights fan. (You're all saying duh, right? - Tru-chan: I am!) Your appearances in both the anime and the manga and your music especially have brightened my life considerably. Watching them, or listening to them as the case may be (Tru-chan: obsessively), has certainly brought me moments of great happiness.

Taiki: Well, we're very proud of our music. It found our princess, and if it brought happiness to others, we're proud of that too.

Seiya: It's also bringing in a lot of money!! Wai wai!

Yaten: ::punches Seiya in the shoulder::

Seiya: Itai!

I know, you are all thinking (Tru-chan: Seiya thinks? wow... And I never knew....)

Seiya: Oh sure... kick a man while he's down! I'm beaten to a pulp by my "comrades" and then here comes the low blow from the fangirl.

Yaten: Whiner.

that this is definitely the definition of a quintessential fangirl, but I am not your ordinary average every day fan (Tru-chan: I'll certainly vouch for the fact that she's not average and aren't we all glad for that?).

Taiki: Erm... uh... Hai..?

I love ThreeLights and your music because you gave me hope and dreams when I was dangerously close to running out of anything, even the impossible, to hope for or dream about. Every song, every episode, every manga picture I discovered gave me one more dream, one more wish, one more reason to go on with life.

Taiki: Dreams and wishes are what we're all about! ::smiles:

Seiya & Yaten: ::break into song:: When you wish upon a Star(Maker!)...

(If only to be here when you show up on my doorstep to take me away Taiki-kun! ; - ) - (Tru-chan: What? To commit you? I can do that! How's tonight sound?) )

Taiki: Like the prince on a white horse?

Seiya & Yaten: ::another song:: Someday... my prince will come..

Taiki: Have you two learned nothing? Disney is evil!

Yaten: Fear the mouse! Fear the mouse!

Seiya: Aw, c'mon. Pocahontas was hot.

So I do love and thank you all, even though I am partial to Taiki-kun. *dreamy sigh* I love Seiya because of his endearing romantic ways. I feel so bad for him. Unrequited love is always so tough. Doesn't everyone who meets you want to take you home and offer you comfort?

Seiya: Yes! Yes! Pity me!

(Tru-chan: Just comfort?)

Seiya: Ecchi! ::grins::

Just comfort, a soft place to sleep and friendship, stop being so ecchi, Tru-chan.

Seiya: I don't mind ecchi.

Taiki: Hentai... --;

I love Yaten for his venomous wit. (Tru-chan: Go Yaten!) And his fashion sense. (Tru-chan: Despite those god-awful sunglasses.)

Yaten: Hey! Taiki's the one with goofy glasses..

And those amazing purple eyes...oh, wait, that's Taiki-kun, gomen! Green eyes! *winks at Yaten*

Yaten: Humph.

Taiki: Looks like you've got green eyes in every sense of the term.

I love Taiki .... well, I've already devoted one whole letter to why I love Taiki. But, for a recap *ahem* : purple eyes, gorgeous auburn hair, sexy voice... I think I love him the most though for his strong (Tru-chan: Domineering) personality.

Yaten: Domineering? That's an understatement.

Taiki: Quiet you.

He was always so in control and I admire that. I wish I was more in control of my emotions for, unfortunately (Tru-chan: agreed) I tend to be rather over-emotional about little things and especially big things (Tru-chan: Just a tad.) That icy reserve just made me want to get to know him better, to find the warm caring person who was lurking underneath, begging to be noticed and loved and cuddled.

Taiki: Cuddled? ::blushes::

Seiya: Taiki-The Ice Queen.

Taiki: That's not what she meant!

Okay, so far I've admitted to being occasionally (Tru-chan: always) crazy, occasionally (Tru-chan: every time she breathes) drooling over ThreeLights and I'm definitely a BIG fan (Tru-chan: well, duh!) Maybe I'll just object to being called a girl! I am, after all, .... oh, nevermind. You're definitely not interested in how old I am nor that I do have a real life and everything.

Taiki: Why not?

(Tru-chan: Of course they're interested! She's 25 and teaches young children. Hmmmm. Maybe that's why she tolerates Seiya so well....)

Seiya: Hey! Quit that!

So, speaking for both Tru-chan, the notorious email editor, and myself:


(and special love and kisses to Taiki who's closest to my heart... may your light shine forever to all us "fans"!)

Taiki: Aw... arigatou.

Yaten: ::smiles:: Thanks!

Seiya: ...

Yaten: ::elbows Seiya::

Seiya: Eh... yeah.. yeah... Arigatou.

Love always,

P.S. I can't believe the three of you didn't get the eating the crackers in bed compliment. *sheesh* Maybe I should have made it chips instead....

Taiki: Eh.. heh.. heh. ::sweatdrops::

P.P.S. Whyever did you agree to let them make that Sailor Moon Stars Musical?! *rolls on the floor laughing at the images flashing across her TV* I've never seen anything so funny! *tries to stop laughing without success* You ought to *giggle* insist *giggle* they stop *giggle* using your name *giggle* in that thing! *finally manages to stop laughing and wipes away the tears running down her cheeks*

Taiki: ::looks around sheepishly:: Is it really that bad..?

P.P.P.S. Rocket - any other furniture there I could live under? I'm quite small and very tidy.... Arigato!

Rocket: Sure! Their couch is really spacious!

P.P.P.P.S. Okay, Okay, so I'm dragging this on waaaaayyyyyy too long, but I had to end with:


Rhina @>---

Taiki: Erm... I LOVE YOU TOO!


Go back to the Fan Mail, yay!