From loving fans like you. |
To Seiya-kun, Yaten-kun and gorgeous Taiki-kun,
Seiya: Hey?! Where's my adjective?
Yaten: ::pulls out a magic marker, a Seiya: ::sweatdrops:: Taiki: ::giggles:: Arigato! Thank you so much for reading my first letter and writing
back! I simply had to write another one though since I enjoyed the first
response so much! (I know, I know, how could I ever contemplate staying away
from my dear Taiki-kun? Not even worth thinking about!)
Seiya: Oh.. I think about it. A lot.
::punches Seiya in the shoulder::
Seiya: Would you please quit that!
Taiki: Woo-ha! Double whammy.
Yaten: Woo-ha?
Seiya: Don't ask.. ::shakes his head::
Seiya: Tru-chan can't leave her alone, and she can't leave
you alone. That is a double whammy.
Yaten: Whammy. That's such a funny word... Whammy.. Whammy..
Taiki: And we were worried about me?
Seiya: We still are. I had to write and let you know that although I find all of you dreamy (Taiki is still the dreamiest), I do not wish to be lumped into the general crazy drooling fangirl category. Taiki: The kind that drool are the worst..
Yaten: Speaking of which, it's your turn to hose off the driveway.
Taiki: ::sweatdrops::
Taiki: Oh, I would never think you were. I have the most
intelligent fans around. ::smiles smugly:: I'm the thinking woman's sex symbol.
Seiya: Oh, buh-ruther.
Taiki: Wow.. Dramatic sigh..
Seiya: Wow's
right. It's better than the usual hysterical laughter.
Yaten: Not to me Taiki: ::twitches:: Seiya: Eh.. heh... ::sweatdrops:: Anyway, I just want you to know that there is more to me than that. I will admit to occasionally being crazy (Tru-chan: occasionally?!) and once and in a great while (Tru-chan: once in a while?! gimme a break) drooling and/or lusting after any of ThreeLights (especially Taiki!). Taiki: But she's not a fangirl... BUT, I AM NOT A FANGIRL!!! Taiki: Eeep!
Alright, so you never said I was, but you all were thinking it! I know
you! (Tru-chan: I know I was...)
Seiya: She's not a drooling fangirl... She's a telepathic fangirl!
Taiki & Yaten: AAAAH!!
Yaten: You said it.
Taiki: Feh.
Taiki: Well, we're very proud of our music. It found our
princess, and if it brought happiness to others, we're proud of that too.
Seiya: It's also bringing in a lot of money!! Wai wai!
Yaten: ::punches Seiya in the shoulder::
Seiya: Itai!
Seiya: Oh sure... kick a man while he's down! I'm beaten to
a pulp by my "comrades" and then here comes the low blow from the fangirl.
Yaten: Whiner.
Taiki: Erm... uh... Hai..? I love ThreeLights and your music because you gave me hope and dreams when I was dangerously close to running out of anything, even the impossible, to hope for or dream about. Every song, every episode, every manga picture I discovered gave me one more dream, one more wish, one more reason to go on with life. Taiki: Dreams and wishes are what we're all about!
Seiya & Yaten: ::break into song:: When you wish upon a Star(Maker!)...
Taiki: Like the prince on a white horse?
Seiya & Yaten: ::another song:: Someday... my prince will come..
Taiki: Have you two learned nothing? Disney is evil!
Yaten: Fear the mouse! Fear the mouse!
Seiya: Aw, c'mon. Pocahontas was hot.
Seiya: Yes! Yes! Pity me! (Tru-chan: Just comfort?) Seiya: Ecchi! ::grins:: Just comfort, a soft place to sleep and friendship, stop being so ecchi, Tru-chan. Seiya: I don't mind ecchi.
Taiki: Hentai... --;
Yaten: Hey! Taiki's the one with goofy glasses.. And those amazing purple eyes...oh, wait, that's Taiki-kun, gomen! Green eyes! *winks at Yaten* Yaten: Humph.
Taiki: Looks like you've got green eyes in every sense of the term.
Yaten: Domineering? That's an understatement.
Taiki: Quiet you.
Taiki: Cuddled? ::blushes::
Seiya: Taiki-The Ice Queen.
Taiki: That's not what she meant!
Taiki: Why not? (Tru-chan: Of course they're interested! She's 25 and teaches young children. Hmmmm. Maybe that's why she tolerates Seiya so well....) Seiya: Hey! Quit that!
So, speaking for both Tru-chan, the notorious email editor, and
myself: (and special love and kisses to Taiki who's closest to my heart... may your light shine forever to all us "fans"!) Taiki: Aw... arigatou.
Yaten: ::smiles:: Thanks!
Seiya: ...
Yaten: ::elbows Seiya::
Seiya: Eh... yeah.. yeah... Arigatou.
P.S. I can't believe the three of you didn't get the eating the crackers in bed compliment. *sheesh* Maybe I should have made it chips instead.... Taiki: Eh.. heh.. heh. ::sweatdrops:: P.P.S. Whyever did you agree to let them make that Sailor Moon Stars Musical?! *rolls on the floor laughing at the images flashing across her TV* I've never seen anything so funny! *tries to stop laughing without success* You ought to *giggle* insist *giggle* they stop *giggle* using your name *giggle* in that thing! *finally manages to stop laughing and wipes away the tears running down her cheeks* Taiki: ::looks around sheepishly:: Is it really that bad..? P.P.P.S. Rocket - any other furniture there I could live under? I'm quite small and very tidy.... Arigato! Rocket: Sure! Their couch is really spacious!
P.P.P.P.S. Okay, Okay, so I'm dragging this on waaaaayyyyyy too long,
but I had to end with: Rhina @>--- Taiki: Erm... I LOVE YOU TOO!