Wonder what happened to the rest of the
conversations? The archives!
Okay, somebody told me that calling these the "rancon" makes me sound like I don't speak English very well. I call them the "rancon" because it's Random Conversations, and I'm way too lazy to continue to type out Random Conversations every time, soo... rancon. It makes sense when you think about it, doesn't it? Okay, onto the rancon!
Taiki-Erin, what do you actually DO in your spare time?
Erin-I actually should update the page more often in my
spare time, but since that's gone now, thanks to baka homework, I
use what little is left to draw and listen to Seramyu songs.
Threelights-Seramyu? What's that?
Erin-SO GLAD YOU ASKED! It's the live-action Sailormoon
Seiya-Who plays me?
Yaten-Yeah, who plays me?
Taiki-Hmm, I wonder who plays me?
Erin-Seiya, you're played by Sayuri Katayama, Yaten,
you're played by Momoko Okuyama, and Taiki, you're played by the
ever-so-wonderful Hikari Ono! I LOVE Hikari Ono, she's my
favorite actress!
Seiya- *pouts*
Erin-Dun worry, Seiya, it's just that Hikari-sama's been
in nearly every single musical that they've made, so she's REALLY
super-experienced. In fact, in the most recent one, she played a
vampire and sang a song called "All of You Shall Die!"
Taiki- *very scared now*
Erin-In fact, today, November 27, is her birthday! I dunno
how old she is, though.
Taiki- *still scared*
Erin- *cranks up "All of You Shall Die" and
sings along*
Seiya and Taiki- *both VERY scared now*
Erin-All of you..... shall DIE! DAMNIT!
Yaten- *uninstalls Realjukebox*
Erin-HEY! Oh, well. I guess I should stop. *sweatdrops*
Seiya and Taiki*hide in the corners, shaking*
Erin-Aww. I'm sorry.
Yaten-Tch. You're not sorry, are you?
Erin*starts swinging around a spiked microphone* Sailor
Pretty! Do you all want to sing with me?
Erin-Ha. Acting like a Phage does it every time...
Everyone*suddenly gets quiet*
Erin*coughs, then whispers*I went to a dance on Saturday... I had fun.
Seiya-Then why are you whispering?
Taiki-I think she has laryngitis.
Yaten-Oooh. I'm sorry.
Erin*whispers* Ah, it's okay. *sighs, then coughs* Daddy wiped our hard drive, too. I lost all 75 of my Seiya pictures, and all of my MP3s. So, right now I'm listening to a Blink-182 CD. *starts whispering the words, then coughs*
Seiya-BAKA! Don't talk if you've got laryngitis!
Taiki-Erin, he's right. And Seiya, don't call her a baka.
Yaten-Taiki, haven't you heard? Erin calls herself "Erinbaka" now. She even has a new email address.
Erin*whispers* Don't let the door hit your ass... Don't leave me... all alone... just drop me... off at home... and I'll be fine...
Erin*coughs again* Great. Tomorrow's valentine's day and I'm still sick. I hope I'm not sick tomorrow. How will I give ... *shuts up*
Seiya-Oh, you can still give me a card, you come here even when you're sick!
Erin-... not you. There's this guy at school... and...
Taiki-Aww! How cute! Erin has a crush....
Erin-Well, he's more than a crush now... Remember that dance I told you about? He was my date. He's soooooo hot!
Yaten*snickers* Poor Seiya. Erin's discovered something better than animé guys... REAL guys.
Erin-But don't worry, Seiya. I'll always like you. Of course, I'll like the real guys better, because they can actually provide me with things... but I'll always hold you dear.
Seiya-Aww... *sniffles* That was so sweet!
Erin*stalks in after school and kicks over a chair*
Seiya-Erin, what happened?
Erin-Oh, I just found out TODAY that my "date" has a girlfriend now. One of my FRIENDS asked him out. Ha.
Seiya-Oh, no! What did you do to her? Did you beat her up?
Erin-No, I'm not violent. I'll just stop sitting with them at lunch and give her dirty looks from across the cafeteria. The thing is, I used to use his locker to keep two of my books in, so today when I took them out, he had the nerve to come up and start rubbing my shoulders.
Yaten-... so?
Seiya-Oh, Erin doesn't like it when people do it without her permisson.
Taiki-... and you would know this..?
Seiya-Umm... *sweatdrops, then blushes* Let's not talk about that, okay?
Erin-Seiya's right, so I said, "Don't you dare." Because, you know, he knows already not to do that, so he comes back with, "Aww, someone has some tension they don't want to release." So I grabbed my books, turned around and said, "Yeah, well, someone's been keeping secrets from the person with tension." and I left. I'm not gonna talk to him. Not until I cool down.
Taiki-Good idea. Wait until you've thought about the situation, THEN try to work it out.
Seiya-Yes. It's a lot better than trying to beat someone up and getting suspended for it.
Erin-But anyhoo! I'm gonna start up a fanart page and scan in all the stuff I've drawn! ... Actually, it's all Seiya right now... I have to try to draw Taiki without it being scary. Yaten, too. Actually... I'm pretty good at Yaten, but I lost all the spiffy Yaten pictures I drew. So, I have to draw them all again.
Taiki-Aww! I'm so glad you care!
Seiya-So, what, you don't care about my pictures being scary?
Erin-No, I'm good at you now, so they're usually not scary. *grins*
Seiya-Oh, okay, that's pretty comforting. Hey, what's that in your hand?
Erin-Oh, this? *giggles, waving it in front of their faces* It's just an application to PikaPika Gumi!
Threelights-... PikaPika Gumi?
Erin-It's only the o-fficial Ono Hikari fanclub!
Yaten *scrolls up to the top of the page* Oh! She's the one in the Seramyu. The one that played Taiki that you're obsessed with.
Erin-Yep yep yep! Spiffy, huh? I mean, sure, the letters and stuff are gonna all be in Japanese, but at least I'll get cards from her on my birthday and on New Year's, and a summer greeting card, too!
Threelights-Oooh, that is spiffy! How can we join?
Erin-You can't. You're not real. *sticks out her tongue*
Threelights-... you're mean.
Erin-Ah, what difference does it make, anyway? I've got a date tonight. ^_^
Taiki- Oooh, a date? With who?
Erin-My boyfriend... the one that reminds me of you. XD
Yaten-You're willing to date a Taiki clone? Scary.
Taiki-... Baka Yaten.
Yaten-Don't call me a baka!
Erin-All of you, hush! School is starting soon for me!
Seiya-School? *shudder*
Taiki-Aren't you going to be in your third year of high school?
Erin-Yes, I'm going to be a Junior. Technically, that makes me able to drive to school, but...
Yaten-... but what?
Erin-... I just got my permit two days ago...
Seiya-Ahh, so you can't drive alone yet.
Taiki-She can't for a while, can you?
Erin-Right. I can't drive alone for five months.
Yaten-Aww. Poor baby.
Erin- --; *whaps Yaten*
Seiya-It sure got quiet real fast.
Erin-Um... I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to break this to you guys.
Yaten-Break what to us?
Taiki-You're not going to kill us, are you?
Erin-Um... due to a lack of interest, I've decided to close the site.
It's not that I hate you guys, it's just that I've grown up a lot in the three
years I've had this site up, and I've decided that this site no longer reflects
me. I've lost a lot of interest in Sailormoon.
Seiya-So what ARE you interested in now?
Yaten-Don't tell me you've gone all punk.
Erin-Actually, you guys missed that stage by about... six months. I still
like punk music, but I mostly like Metallica now. Like I said, I've matured. I
changed from liking anime and happy-bouncy music to liking heavy metal and the
such. I mean, I've changed so much. I'm taking art classes and I'm going to go
get a job and everything. I've grown up and I feel like this site doesn't really
show how I've grown and changed. I'm not the same hyperactive anime-obsessed
girl I was in middle school.
Taiki-This is true. Well, if that's really how you feel, then we don't
really mind all that much. We're need on Kinmokusei anyway.
Yaten-We've had a lot of fun, Erin. We'll really miss you.
Seiya-We'll never forget this two and half years we've had here.
Erin-Neither will I. I've had a ton of fun, but all good things come to
an end, and this is the end of the rancon, and of Eien no Hoshi : Everlasting
Stars. I'll never, ever forget this site. *cue tear-jerking music*
The End