
Saturday, September 16, 2000

I finally got my butt in gear and made an update page. ^^;; I updated everything and started a hunt for a new name for the website. I think that Erin's cute yet scary Three Lights page is a bit immature. ^^;; Like I said, EVERYTHING is updated.

Friday, September 22, 2000

I, after working all week on a new name for the website, have found one.
Eien no Hoshi : Everlasting Stars(EnH : ES for short) is now my new title. I updated the index page and have started working on a new layout for the website itself.

Saturday, December 9, 2000

@_@ OMG. Okay, I scrapped the old layout, and have started on YET ANOTHER. ^^;;; I can't seem to get it the way I want it... Anyway!
I changed the Random Conversations and the Random Conversations Archives to correct the 3rd level header HTML mistake. I also added a bit more onto the Random Conversations.
I'm thinking about taking down the possibility of Fanart completely unless you EMAIL ME FANART!!! More info coming soon.
I WANT THREELIGHTS FANFICTION!!! ^^ Sendsendsend! I'm taking down all non-Threelights fanfics on my site right now, and I want peeps to sendsendsend!

Friday, December 15, 2000

Okay, since I had no school today, I got my butt in gear and slapped the pictures that are your first tastes of my new layout on For You, Our Princess, Random Conversations, and Random Conversations -- Archives. Hope you enjoy, even though the Random Conversations banners didn't come out all that well...

Monday, February 12, 2001

Heh, I'm home today with laryngitis, so I made a minor update. I found out that I'm listed on Yahoo, and I'm listed on the SailorSenshi.net top 50... I should be listed on quite a few search engines, so I should start getting more hits soon(pleasepleasepleaseplease! For the sake of the sickie who cannot talk! Visit my page! ^^) I'm going to add more onto the Random Conversations, it's been sitting idle way too long. Maybe put up info pages for the Threelights-san like I plotted to. *cackles*

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Okay, I finally got the profiles started. Only Seiya right now, but Taiki and Yaten are on the way! ^^ More coming on the Random Conversations! Gosh, I really should actually POST HERE when I update something, shouldn't I?

Tuesday, May 7th, 2001

I'm at school and very bored here in my lovely internet-capable library, so I hopped on and archived more of the Random Conversations, so visit the Archives if you want to read anything that involved the other senshi besides the Lights... Everyone else just kind of... went away after the page became totally Lights oriented. ^^;;;
Started coming up with ideas for Taiki's interview, That should be up within the next month or so.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Now that I'm out of school, I got my site reviewed by Starlights Reviews, and have decided to take dear Taiki-san up on the suggestion to stick tables on every page. I learned tables just for this purpose. I love you all so much that I would do that so you can read my site easier. ^^ The Taiki interview is almost half done, and that will be up by the end of the month.

Friday, June 29th, 2001

I made a new layout and I'm actually happy with this one! I will soon be changing all the pages to accommodate for this change. I will get Yaten's interview up soon, I promise!

Soon, I will be transferring the fanmail from the page Nagareboshi over here, to my website. Keep checking back! ^-^

Tuesday, May 7, 2002

O_O;;;; wooooooooooooow. Um, I actually posted the Seramyu page, yay! I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing anymore. I kind of lost interest in Sailormoon, got interested in Gundam Wing, lost interest in GW, got interest BACK in Sailormoon, decided about five times whether or not I wanted to close down the site...(you can tell what I eventually decided ^^;) uhh... I joined the second Jazz ensemble at my school, joined Winterguard, decided to pick up a new instrument(I'm learning baritone to supplement my saxophone)... so life has been pretty hectic lately. I think I'll try to update more often. ^^;

Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Yay, another new layout! It's Maker-chan, my favorite. I drew the pretty pretty picture all by myself. I learned frames... but I don't think I'll keep frames in my next layout. They're hard...! x_x Pretty much everything is updated. Yayness!

Thursday, July 11, 2002

I finally transferred the fanmail from Nagareboshi, just like I promised Rocket I'd do about a year ago... ack. o.o; I'm making small changes to the layout, mostly using CSS and the such. Nifty cursors and such. ^_^ Perhaps I'll add a little more onto the rancon later.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Yes, yes, I realize that Maker-chan wasn't up for that long, but I didn't like that layout much, and seeing as how I've been toying with this layout for longer than I was with the Maker layout, so I figured that it's okay to put up a Fighter layout on Seiya's birthday. ^^; I'll make another Taiki layout, I promise. ^_^

Saturday, September 7, 2002

Wow, this updates page is almost two years old. O_o Um, in case you haven't noticed, I made the page frames again. ^^; I realize I said I didn't like frames, but I noticed my slow little modem was taking large amounts of time to load up the fighter picture over and over. I need to find a way to reinstall PSP7 so I can edit the picture. Too big. x_x So now it only has to take the time to load the picture once! Isn't that great? ^_^ I knew you'd think so. ^_^ No other changes otherwise. Marching band has started again, and the first football game is this Friday, so updates will be few and far between 'til November-ish. ^^;;; Sorry!

Saturday, June 21, 2003

I know it's been over a year. I know many of you have wanted me to update the Fan Mail. Well, EnH:ES is now closed. It doesn't matter, because if you're reading this, you've already read the main page, so I don't need to reiterate what I said there. Well, I finally decided to close it because I haven't any interest in doing it anymore.

Oh, I updated the rancon, too. You can go read that. It's the last time I ever will.